Teaching The Shapes and Colors

Katrina Lybbert's Colors and Shapes

In this curriculum you will alternate between teaching a shape and a color each week. You will start with a shape. If possible, collect 3 - 5 everyday objects in the shape of the week. Talk about each object and the shape with your child. Walk around the house looking for more signs of this shape.
Using playdough or cookie dough, cut out the shape of the week. If you decide to use cookie dough, you can bake and eat some shape cookies!
Put a picture/cutout of the shape on the learning poster. Continue to remind your child of the shape throughout the week.

The week after you teach a shape, you will be teaching a color. Teaching the colors can be fun. Many young children will already know their colors, but these activities will still be fun for them.
Show the color to be learned by coloring in the shape (from the previous week) on your learning poster in the color of the week. For example, in week 5 you teach the shape of an octagon. Color the octagon red for week 6.
Wear some article of clothing in the color you are learning, the day it is introduced. Point out the color in everyday objects. Add the color to your meals by eating a food that color, eating off a plate of the week's color, etc. Have your child use a crayon of the week's color when using their coloring books.
I will be writing poems and/or songs to go along with the colors and shapes that you can share with your child as you learn them. I will add them to the lesson plans as they are written.

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