Lesson # 2: jungle, vines, green, B, 2, I Had a Little Nut Tree

Lesson # 2:

Suggested Schedule for the Week:

MONDAY: Introduce the Weekly Theme

This week's theme is JUNGLE.

Jungle Coloring Page

  • Introduce the weekly theme with pictures and post one or two on your learning poster.

  • Choose one story to read based on the theme.

See the booklist.

  • Share a poem based on the theme with your child.

Jungle Adventure by Katrina Lybbert

Creeping through the jungle, one hot summer day,

I saw a lot of animals pass by my way. (Tiptoe around the room and pretend to look through binoculars.)

Monkeys swinging from vine to vine, (pretend to swing on vines)

Parrots fluttering in colorful design, (pretend to fly like a parrot)

Tigers, lions, and elephants too, (stomp around the room)

A tall giraffe like I saw at the zoo. (reach way up high)

Creeping through the jungle, one hot summer day,

I saw a lot of animals pass by my way. (Tiptoe around the room and pretend to look through binoculars.)
  • Sing a song based on the theme

Songs from Disney's Jungle Book such as:

The Bare Necessities

I Wanna Be Like You

That's What Friends Are For
  • Do the gross motor skills activity with your child.
Create a jungle obstacle course by using cushions, pillows, chairs, blankets etc. Put on some music... a great selection is Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saƫns... and act out different jungle animals according to the sound of the music. Loud music can be for elephants and tigers, and soft music can be for birds and monkeys.

  • Introduce the vocabulary word & post a picture for it on your learning poster.
The vocabulary word is vines - vines are plants with long, thin bendable stems; they grow along the ground or climb up trees, etc.

TUESDAY: Introduce the Shape/Color

This week you will teach the color green.

  • Introduce the color by coloring in the shape (SQUARE FROM LAST WEEK) on your learning poster with the color of the week.

  • Put on an article of clothing in the color of the week.

  • Point out objects around your home in the color of the week.

  • Add the color to a meal by choosing a food in the color, or using a plate, cup, or utensil in the color of the week.

  • Let your child color in a coloring book or on a printout in the color of the week.

Review the Weekly Theme

  • Choose one story to read based on the theme.

  • Share a poem based on the theme with your child.

  • Sing the song based on the theme that you chose on Monday.

  • Review the vocabulary word and use it as you talk to your child about the theme.

WEDNESDAY: Introduce the Letter for the Week

The letter this week is the letter B.

Introduce "The Letter B" animation video.

  • Give your child a printout of the (capital) letter to color.
The Letter B printout

Traceable Printout
  • Teach your child to trace the shape of the letter using their finger. You can trace in pudding, finger paint, a shallow tray (cookie sheet) filled with rice or beans, etc.
  • Point out the letter in signs, cereal boxes, etc.
  • Post the letter on your learning poster.

Review the Weekly Theme
  • Choose one story to read based on the theme.

  • Share a poem based on the theme with your child.

  • Sing the song based on the theme that you chose on Monday.

  • Review the vocabulary word and use it as you talk to your child about the theme.

Review the Shape/Color

  • Point out the shape and/or color on your learning poster and discuss with your child.

THURSDAY: Introduce the Number for the Week

The number this week is the number 2.

Video on Counting 1-10

Another Counting Video

Double Mint Gum Commerical

Number 2 Traceable Printable

  • Show your child the appropriate number of objects to count, or eat the appropriate number of snacks of crackers, cheerios, etc..

  • Show your child the written symbol (numeral) for the number and put on your learning poster.

  • Add the correct number of stickers to your counting book.

  • Show your matching index cards for the number of the week to your child.

  • Draw the appropriate number of shapes (using the shape of the week) and count them.

  • Walk around the house counting objects up to the number of the week.

Review the Weekly Theme

  • Choose one story to read based on the theme.
  • Share a poem based on the theme with your child.

  • Sing the song based on the theme that you chose on Monday.

  • Review the vocabulary word and use it as you talk to your child about the theme.

Review the Shape/Color

  • Point out the shape and/or color on your learning poster and discuss with your child.

Review the Letter

  • Point out the letter on your learning poster and discuss with your child.

FRIDAY: Introduce the Nursery Rhyme for the Week
***Continue to recite this rhyme daily till the next Friday***

The nursery rhyme this week is I Had a Little Nut Tree. Recite often! (VIDEO OF IT)

I had a little nut tree,

nothing would it bear,

But a silver nutmeg and a golden pear;

The King of Spain's daughter came to visit me,

And all for the sake of my little nut tree.

  • Post the words to the rhyme on your learning poster.

  • Sing and/or recite the nursery rhyme for your child.

  • If possible, read a book based on this nursery rhyme

Review the Weekly Theme
**Do theFine Motor Skills Activity for the Weekly Theme on Friday

Find a printout of your child's favorite jungle animal. Create thin strips of green construction paper to represent grass. Let your child glue the "grass" strips onto the printout to hide the animal in the grass.
  • Choose one story to read based on the theme.

  • Share a poem based on the theme with your child.

  • Sing the song based on the theme that you chose on Monday.

  • Review the vocabulary word and use it as you talk to your child about the theme.

Review all Shapes, Colors, Letters, Numbers

  • Review all the shapes, colors, letters, and numbers previously learned.

  • Point out the current ones on the learning poster.

  • Use the matching index cards of all the previously learned numbers and play a matching game.

  • Create a small booklet that has a page for each week in the program. Each page of the booklet will have the shape/color, letter, and number for one lesson(week). Add to the booklet as you work through the program and look through this booklet every Friday.


  1. If anyone happens upon a cool REAL JUNGLE video, please post the link below. I couldn't find one to add.

  2. i took the giraffe printout from crafts and made a jungle bracelet. Cut out strip then punched holes in the colored strip edges, laced them with yarn, measured strip to fit their arm, hot glued Velcro on ends of paper strip, one on the front one on the back for closure. Looked at giraffe picture and found all the items that were in the pairs of two. Then glued the head on the band. last hole next to closure tied a few extra strands of black yarn for tail. They loved it.
